Meteor Scatter Propagation
Meteor Scatter is a great propagation mode to utilize on VHF. With every major meteor shower is an increase in activity on the VHF bands and I often see many newcomers trying out the mode for the first time as well.
With help from many avid VHFers, I have put together a meteor scatter contest covering the 50, 144, and 222 MHz bands for the upcoming 2022 Perseids meteor shower peak in August. All are welcome to participate.
Operating and Contest Rules
This event is intended to be fun for those involved. Log checking will be similar to the “Honor System” used for CSVHF Sprints.
Official contest rules: North American Meteor Scatter Sprint
Please check contest rules and N1MM UDC for revisions 48 hrs. before start of contest.
Special Award
For this inaugural event, Bill Ockert, ND0B, has offered to supply a walnut inlaid oak callsign plaque to the winner of each category with 3 or more participants.

In the event of a tie, I ask that one participant defer to the other, otherwise I will flip a coin to decide which person receives the plaque.